Friday, September 19, 2008

Peameal Bacon

so the meatloaf was good last night and we ALL enjoyed a dinner together which rarely happens. I threw in some broccoli at the last minute and we ate that of course dh had to have cheese on it so I tossed a bit on top but not a lot - it was still green LOL!
Today for some reason I am having a hankering for some peameal bacon. Can't get it anywhere around me I have no idea why I am wanting it -but I am. Wonder if my friend in CAN. can send me some or do they allow that across the border? hmmmm gonna have to ask her about that!
yep I am hungry didn't get my breakfast this AM as dd forgot something at home she had to have and I was already leaving early to fill the car up with gas so now the grumbellies have set in...terribly! YIKES I NEED FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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