Friday, November 7, 2008

thoughts on blog hopping

I admit I am a MAJOR blog hopper! I have to pass the day somehow....right?!?!?
Anyway you will notice I now have this picture on my sidebar. You can click on it to be taken to the original site and blog post about hopping but I wanted to add some things that I have learned along the way regarding happy blogging experiences.

My biggest dislike is that when I want to comment on something is when the comment box isn't a pop up. It loads a new page, usually on the same tab which then means I have to hit the line at the top to go back to the blog if I want to read farther or more posts on it. I LOVE the pop up cause it let's me leave my comment , close the box when I am done and I am right where I was, ready to pick up and go again! This is easy to change in your settings on Blogger so you ought to consider it at least - I am sure I am not the only hopper who dislikes this.

Running a close second with this is the Catpah or Capture, word verification or whatever you want to call it. You'll notice I have my JUST SAY NO badge on the upper left side bar. You can click it for more info too and join the cause!

One other dislike is when I can't open something in a new window (you know right click open in new tab/window) because if you say "not without my permission" "not allowed here" and I have to click on it to get to the page you linked well then I get reading there and forget to come back to your blog - you lose out on me visiting more of your work.

I also agree I don't like when I can't just hit next blog at the top (at least here in Blogger) to surf for something. I have found some interesting sites this way and when I hit a roadblock from someone else that is a shame cause the next blog might of been something I was really interested in.

Another wish I have is that there was an easy way to respond to comments left by you all...I read every one and wish I could click on your name and email you all when I have a comment back (or clarification or tip or whatever) but so far I haven't found that to be the case since many ppl don't have the contact info in their profile and thus it doesn't show up when you click on their name or photo.

just some thoughts from this blogger :)

What is your take on this?

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