Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Foods Here & the Freezer is Full Again!

I was talking to a friend about the food packages we have been getting so I thought I would share a picture with you all for a little refresher :) The place we have been using is called
Great Food For All. It is similar to Angel Food Ministries however we have found that we get a little better quality food with GFFA and as simple as it sounds I like that it comes in a sealed up box so I get to unpack it not have a bunch of stuff thrown in the bag/box we take into Angel Food for picking up. Now that doesn't mean I don't like the Angel Food I just prefer GFFA most months! We do sometimes do both but they often are for pick up the same weekend and the freezer doesn't always have room for 2 full basic boxes! You also have to compare menu's and decide what your family likes and what you will use. Silly to get a package just cause it is from one place if you don't like the items in it this month KWIM?


Both are similar in that you HAVE TO buy the Basic Box before you can get any "add-on" packages. Now in recent months I notice both have added alternatives to the traditional Basic Box, they call them Senior Packages and Empty Nesters or something similar. With the purchase of any one of these you can add on with other packages like a meat package, a veggie one and whatever other specials they have put together for the month.

So here was my August Basic Box:

The big brown bag on the bottom (upper left) was hash brown sticks - LOTS OF THEM! I repacked them into Ziploc's and wrote the cooking directions on each Ziploc. The center things are not corn dogs they are a cinnamon dessert thing and we haven't yet tried them. The upper right is a large container of soup! Ground beef, ham, chicken, a specialty roasted chicken package, green beans, corn, frozen berries pizzas and a crab puff appetizer package.

We also opted to add the meat package from August for grilling out with:

ground beef - 2 packages 2 lbs each, those round things in the middle are burgers! HUGE burgers!, some steaks, some more chicken too.

I have priced out the items in stores when we have been out and we definitely get our $$$$ worth so don't be afraid to give it a try if you have a pick up place close enough to you!

The food comes from all over not just bulk places, we have seen the Schwan's label on things, we have seen the same packages at GFS that we have received through here so it comes from a wide variety of sources.

I introduced some friends to this who order the Senior Package each month cause they like freezer meals and she says they are really good - we aren't too keen on freezer meals so I can't vouch but if you tend to like them I would venture to say they won't disappoint you!

So here are the links for the September Menus for both places...maybe we'll see you there!

September GFFA Menu

Angel Food September Menu

do a search at either place to find one close to you and go from find out how they handle the orders and get yourself saving on some good food!

I just noticed on the Angel Food Ministries that they state you can order ANY boxes there are NO required boxes any more :)


Right Brain Thinker said...

Thank you for this information. I had looked into Angel Food Ministries and wasn't very excited about it, but the food in GFFA does look better to me. I'll have to see if I can find it around here. Swapbot andi6

Unknown said...

Wow, this seems like a really cool idea. I'm Mellietronx from Swap Bot. I am sorry I haven't posted until now. There was an emergency in the family :/