grabs my fancy and I feel like blogging about today................ Positive thinking makes everything easier.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
You Little Devil « 08/27/2010
Umm this is a little scary but this blog cracks me up! Makes me look at those old family photo's in a new light :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
We made it through
the shower! I am happy to report that things went well, laughter and smiles were everywhere and many of gift list items received by the happy couple :)
The decorations we made looked fantastic and I received lots of compliments on my craftiness…always makes you feel good when that happens!
The food was wonderful with a fabulous fruit salad, several sandwich combo’s and a variety of awesome desserts!
Also happy to report that they have signed an offer on a house and are now in the financing, loan approval, inspection phase of things. Dare I say this means I will get getting my house back LOL! Stacks of things everywhere I look that are for her home. It seems her hope boxes have multiplied like rabbits! Provided all goes well she will be moving the end of August. I am thankful she will have a chance to get settled a bit in time for the wedding!
So that has been what is going on here and why I have been MIA for the majority of the past few months. Now on to the final touches for the wedding/reception planning….like flowers and the final choices for decorations and bow making and….
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday Thunks: Drawing in the Sand
Welcome to the July 29th edition of Thursday Thunks! Where we make you think a little bit before you blog! We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
This weeks questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of Janera Jepson's eyes and the number 3.
1. We know how creative Berleen is with her terrific tee-shirts and such, so how about you? Do you draw anything or perhaps your name in the sand when you go to the beach? I don’t get to the beach too often and mostly when I am there I just like to wiggle my toes in the sand and the surf :)
2. Kimber doesn’t always leave her house. I wonder if she knows what is out her back door. What is out your back door? We only have one door out and it goes to a small fenced yard. I don’t leave my house much either LOL!
3. Do you prefer the beach, a pool or a lake? Why? I would prefer to live by the ocean and hear the crashing waves but I live no where near any of those so I guess the silent reservoir will have to do for now.
4. What is something recently that happened to you that you are REALLY excited about? My life is NOT that exciting but I am happy for my dd who just signed paperwork for her first house :)
5. I am fortunate that I come from a very close family. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? If not did you ever meet them? I don’t recall meeting any of my great grandparents but I had a very close relationship with my grandparents growing up. Only my Gramma’s are left now and both live far away…I miss them!
6. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group? Tell us about it. NOT something I do.
7. Have you ever bungee jumped? Would you ever bungee jump? No & No
8. How strong emotionally do you think you are? I guess it depends on the situation I can put up a good front but I think I fall apart when no one is around.
9. Kimber and Berleen still have NEVER met, yet they are best friends. What is the first thing you notice about people when you meet them? Their smile and their eyes.
10. Who do you mess with the most? Is this a trick question?
11. Who was the last person you talked to on a landline? What is a landline? No seriously I know but I can’t think of anyone who still has one that I talk to.
12. I finally saw Avatar this week. What was the last movie you watched long after it came out and loved? hmmm we tend to Netflix most things so pretty much ALL of them! We only go to the movies if I have a gift certificate, won the tickets or it is showing at our local cheapie theater.
13. What did you dream about last night? that would mean I slept and so far that hasn’t occurred.
Friday, July 9, 2010
using makeup to look like no makeup
that makes no sense to me at all. Real Simple has this up today.
you can see it by clicking {here}
Why put yourself thru the steps and cost of applying this product then that product just to make it appear that you are wearing no makeup at all. How about just go sans free on the makeup in the first place and save the pennies in your pocket for something better say perhaps something like:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Earn your Master's of Arts in Teaching Degree Online
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.
USC Rossier School, an internationally renowned research institution with a 100-year history of educating teachers to be agents of change is making it easy to earn your Masters of Arts in Teaching degree online, a useful way since teachers already have so much of their time taken up by meetings and obligations. Now you can further yourself conveniently at home, online at home with flexible times for lessons and studying.
USC Rossier School offers highly interactive online learning combined with field-based experiences. They offer a groundbreaking tuition reimbursement and scholarship program to help you achieve your goal of a Master of Arts in Teaching. Their accelerated program you can complete in as little as 12 months after which time you will have the opportunity to become a part of the elite USC Trojan Family.
The MAT@USC Student Blog, where you can hear insights about the program from actual students is a useful tool also.
Rossier and the MAT@USC were awarded by AACTE for innovative use of technology in education. They have a technology video that introduces the interactivity of the program.
USC Rossier School is A School of Education which has been ranked #22 in the United States and #9 among all private universities by US News and World Report. Learn from distinguished USC faculty recognized for their contributions to modern education all from the convenience of your home through an innovative combination of highly interactive online learning with field-based experiences in your local area.
As an online attendee you will still have full USC student status and benefits, participation in commencement ceremonies (First cohort of the MAT@USC graduate in May) and free lifetime Alumni Association memberships. Click here for more program information.
hi friends!
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.
What a novel idea and one I surely could of been putting to use when sending cards to out of town friends and relatives over the past year! Currently I have been making the trip to the store to get the gift card which inevitably ends in me spending way more than I anticipated instead of doing that I could of been going to FriendGiftr and making my life simpler and my pocketbook happier! LOL
Users are now able to buy and send real digital and/or physical gift cards to friends, family, and associates for the holidays, birthdays, other special occasions, or anytime. Buyers can select from over 120 of their favorite retail and restaurant gift cards to buy $10, $20, $25, $35, $50, $75, and $100 gift cards. But what’s really special about FriendGiftr is that end receivers are empowered to get what they really want –they can exchange the gift card given to them from their friends or family for any of the 120 merchants FriendGiftr offers for no additional cost and without the buyer knowing. They can also split the gift card across multiple merchants, enabling the ultimate user choice and control.
How awesome is that! Give the person exactly what they want and if your choice wasn't exactly spot on it isn't a problem for them to exchange it for what was and AT NO COST! Fabulous! Even better they can do this from from the FriendGiftr website, Facebook or their iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android.
I see some of my favorite shopping/dining places there like Red Robin, Red Lobster, Marriot, Kohl's and Fandango! Wish I had known about this last week as I dined out with my cousin at Red Robin :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday Thunks on a Monday!
Driver's Ed. Demon #1 is taking it right now. Did you pass your driver's test the first time you took it? Yes actually I did.
You are sitting outside on your deck in your comfy lawn chair, feet are up and the temp outside is perfect. There are no bugs to bite you and ruin the night... it's peaceful and all you can hear is the birds singing and an occasional cricket. Whats in your hand? Probably nothing but I imagine that a book is nearby and a tall icey glass of water.
How many graduation parties and weddings do you have to attend this summer? Ok.. how many are you invited to? Two Grad parties prob not attending them, One wedding shower, no weddings (until Fall anyway!)
There is no other choice in the matter - you must transform into a different race, but the catch is that you get to pick which race. What will you now be? huh I never really thought about this...I would like to live in the warmth so how about something from the Caribbean :)
Someone once said that the grass isn't greener on the other side... are you jealous of your neighbor's lawn? Nope no lawns here only farm fields LOL!
Bud is walking along a beach barefooted and steps on a piece of glass buried deep in the sand. His foot is bleeding... does he cry, swear or stomp around on his other foot? I spose he would do all of that before the Twins picked him up and carried him off to play doctor.
I'm gonna take you fishing... are you going to be a whiney baby and not bait your own hook and when you catch a fish am I gonna have to take it off the hook for you? well you can take me fishing but you can't make me fish! I would be there just for company sitting quietly with you and hold the cooler lid open when you flop your big catch of the day in there!
From a Facebook friend: When asked what would you bring with you to a deserted island, why doesn't anyone answer "a boat"? maybe they don't really want to get off the island...peace and quiet win out over the rat race at home - at least for me!
Hamburger buns - sesame seeds or not? eh I can take em or leave em
From Demon #1: Whats your favorite flavor of water? I like just plain I can't stand flavors in water :(
Eclipse is coming out this month... are you going to see it? someday I will but I can't afford theater prices.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday Thunks for April 16th
hmmmm that was yesterday Wednesday so wouldn't it actually be
The Day AFTER Tax Day Thunk?
The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen,the color of daisies
and the number 0.
Got your taxes done? Yep sure do and most the money I got back is gone already :(
What do batteries run on? I suppose whatever they want to especially if they are carrying a charge like this I would get out of the way!
What do chickens think we taste like? Chickens do not have taste buds, but I imagine that they think we taste like SWEET REVENGE!!! (I actually found this online at Yahoo Answers not my original thought)
What do they call a French kiss in France? Wikipedia says: The colloquial term, "French kissing", does not necessarily stem from France. In France, it is referred to as 'baiser amoureux' (love kiss) or 'baiser avec la langue' (kiss with the tongue). In French slang, a "french kiss" is called a "patin" (ice skating shoe) or a "galoche".
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real
lemons? huh I didn't know that so I guess I don't know why either! LOL
How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said? usually I go huh? and they repeat then I go what did you say and they repeat and then I just shrug and move on LOL!
I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Darn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away? they're probably talking to your machine silly! wait a minute or so and listen for the voice mail beep or then try calling them back.
So Mel Gibson left his girlfriend - think he's finally heard of me? ummm nope or me either for that matter :D
Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore? who knows who cares
Are you bothered that I didn't number these? nope not at all - thanks for the spaces though that helps!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday Thunks for 4/7
(Berleen's Daddy's 76th Birthday)
version of Thursday Thunks!
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!
We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
The TT questions are brought to you by:
- Bud
- The color KC's eyes **hey that's me KC and my eyes are BLUE!
- The number 3.
1. Why do they ask you to get on the plane? Shouldn't you get in it? When was your last flight? I think my last flight was to Kansas City, KS via Milwaukee, WI and it was on Midwest who serves up the most delicious chocolate chip cookies!
2. Why do they call two planes getting too close a near miss? Shouldn't it be a near hit? Have you ever been on a plane that was in trouble? First flight I ever took was to go to West Palm Beach, FL via Newark, NJ and it was in winter and the turbulence was horrible not to mention the hours spent de-icing the plane before we even could take off!
3. If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap? What have you done when your child sweared? I have used a bar of soap and time outs for my dd when she was younger. Sometimes though you just gotta laugh!
4. How about a restaurant for anorexics? What would you call it? The Empty Plate? When was the last time you went out to a fancy restaurant? been awhile!
5. Where do forest rangers go to 'get away from it all'? What to you do to get away from it all? well I suppose that depends on what their "it all" is that they want to "get away from"
6. Why do people who know the least know it the loudest? What do you do to get a know-it-all to shut up? WALK AWAY! (or hang up)
7. If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong? Men: does your woman (or most recent) think that you are always wrong? Women: Do you believe that men are always wrong? Nope just most of them LOL
8. If a turtle loses his shell, is it naked or homeless? Tell us about a time when you were caught naked. I think the turtle is homeless and I feel badly for him! Nope not telling you about any nekkid adventures!
9. Would a fly that loses it wings be called a walk? How badly do flies annoy you? the flies that land on you or bite or buzz my ears are WAY ANNOYING! I like to SMASH them flat with the swatter!
10. Why do they report power outages on TV? When was the last time that you went without power? We haven't been without for a bit but the last time we just lit candles, dh drug in his laptop and portable power source we had cheese & crackers for dinner and watched a movie together...I don't mind no power :)
11. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? Have you ever been or considered to be a vegetarian? NOPE
12. If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? Tell us about a time when either you were arrested or came close. Nahhhh I pass :)
13. Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? Have you ever owned a cat? I do not own any cats however my dd has 2 cats but I don't think she owns them I think they own her.
Date Night
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of 20th Century Fox. All opinions are 100% mine.
Is it date night for you this weekend? How about seeing the new Date Night Movie starring Steve Carell & Tina Fey that opens on Friday, April 9th, 2010? The previews and trailers I have seen so far are hilarious! There is something for everyone so you and your date will have plenty to keep you entertained and to talk about afterward. Plus a good bout of laughter is always fun and what date night couldn't use some of that!Here is a trailer so you can see what I am talking about:
The New York Times says:
In “Date Night,” which opens Friday, a bored suburban couple played by Steve Carell and Tina Fey go on their weekly dinner date and find themselves thrown into a night of intrigue: there’s breaking and entering, a car chase, a shootout and a showdown with an underworld boss at a strip club. Husband and wife come out of the adventure with some scratches and also with their ardor renewed.
(For the full New York Times article please visit:
I'd love to hear what you thought of the movie so after your date night this weekend pop back over and leave me a note!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday Thunks for 3/25
This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color of nothing, and the
1. I got nothing. What should I ask next week? Although I think Kimber should do it next week. Somehow.
ummmm I got nothing either – haven’t been here in awhile so I don’t know what you have been asking LOL!
2. Wind chimes - annoying or not?
3. Camping - camper or tent?
I like both but I think I prefer the camper so I know I am waking up warm and dry in the AM :)
4. Told ya I got nothing. This really sucks. I should have had Bud do this, huh?
Sure Bud can ask questions too LOL!
5. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
6. So this week my kid had to type a research paper for English.... then she had to email it to her teacher! Is that not just the oddest thing ever? Blew my mind away.
Why did they have to mail it was the assignment on learning how the post office works (or doesn’t sometimes) Why wouldn’t they just hand it in at school? Yeah that is ODD!
7. Wow. These questions suck. They suck bad. Do you like to suck through straws? For what type of beverages?
only at a restaurant and the straw must be in paper still not opened by them – you never know where their hands were…ya know!
8. What do you do with your cell phones when you do those wonderful "upgrades" to the newer, fancier phones?
hmmm so far they are in a drawer LOL! Getting ready to do the “fancy upgrade” thing today actually – meeting dh there at lunch and dd there before she heads to class tonight.
9. It's allergy season - unless you've completely missed all the people walking around with Kleenexes stuck to their nose... what are you allergic to?
work :D
10. What did you sleep with as a child?
pillow, blankets and a teddy bear!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wii...I did it again!
Body is sore today but I felt better afterward...ok well after the hot shower afterwards! I know if I keep at I will start to feel better
P.S. and yes this is like a mini pep talk to myself!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wii today!