Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday & I got paid again!

Yep that's right - did you see my last post about YouData? Yes it is advertising and yes it does take a few minutes (seconds actually) to open and click the ads and such but, it is a way to earn a bit of extra change! Here is a quick recap about it...

"I now control what ads I see and when I see them. Best part - I am selling my attention directly to interested advertisers, for real money. That's right, I get paid for giving them my attention. I can use the funds to buy music and video online, donate to charities, give to my favorite blogs and websites, or keep the change myself and do whatever I want with it."

SO last week I made a little over $3 and this week I made just under $2. It all depends on how many advertisers have listings there and I suppose as all things supply and demand come in to play so yeah it is only a little bit but 2 weeks on Friday like they promised I have been paid direct into my Paypal account! Every penny helps right so give it a try! Go to YouData and sign up! I would of course appreciate if you would use me as your referral and enter kc_froglady as the referral code.

Oh and they also have this thing you can download so it will be right on your desktop s you can easily check if there are new ads when you sit down to your computer without having to load the web page get to the site log in and then look for the button! Can't get much simpler!

Let me know what you think.... And happy YouData 'ing :)

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